Supervisor’s Office
The township supervisor is chief executive officer of the township, chairman of the town(ship) board of trustees, supervisor of general assistance, and is treasurer of all town funds and all road and bridge funds. The supervisor must provide bond(s) in amounts equal to the maximum amount in his custody at any one time if the bond is obtained through a surety company. If personal bonds are posted, they must be double the amount provided by a surety company. The highway commissioner may order the treasurer’s bond for road funds increased to an amount determined by the highway commissioner. A copy of the bond for town funds must be filed with the Town Clerk. A copy of the bond for road funds must be filed with the county clerk. As chairman of the town board, the supervisor, unlike a mayor or village president who may only vote to break ties, has a vote on all matters. The supervisor may make or second motions, participate in discussions on all matters and should exercise his voting powers on all issues. The supervisor has sole jurisdiction over the office of general assistance and may employ necessary help without prior approval of the town board trustees. Salaries for these employees must, of course, be provided for in the general assistance budget and appropriation ordinance. Administration of general assistance must be carried out according to standards approved by the Department of Public Aid (DPA).
General Assistance Office
708-482-8300 Ext. 223, 232
General Assistance is mandated by Illinois State Statutes. The program provides monthly financial service for people attempting to enter or re-enter the work force. Also, the program provides financial assistance to people who have a pending Social Security Disability application. This program is designed for people who have no income.
Individuals who are not eligible for Social Security or a state supported program may apply for General Assistance. Individuals must be residents of the Township of Lyons. The Township of Lyons employs a budgeting system pursuant to the rules and regulations and follows the guidelines of the Township Supervisors of Illinois General Assistance manual in determining eligibility. Eligible applicants who are able to work must be registered monthly at the Illinois Dept. of Employment Securities (IDES) and Illinois Jobskills Match and actively be applying for work and partcipate in the Township Community Work Program. Eligible applicants who are unable to work must have an active Social Security Disability claim and a Doctor’s Statement of Disability on file in the General Assistance Office. Residents should call for an appointment to apply for General Assistance.
Pillars Community Health (Formerly Community Nurse Health Center)
Uninsured and low-income children and adult residents of Lyons Township communities will be able to register for the services at Pillars Community Health and the Community Healthcare Network of the Western Suburb, which includes assignment to a primary medical home (either Pillars Community Health or the Family Medicine Center at Amita LaGrange Medical Hospital ALMH), access to a network of local specialist who wiill see these patients at no charge, diagnostics and hospital servics at ALMH, a discounted pharmacy program, and access to behavioral health services through Pillars, if needed. Enrollment Department 708-818-0121.
Summer Youth Employment Program
Our Summer Youth Employment Program offers summer jobs for 16-24 year olds who are currently enrolled in school. For more information on this program contact Mary VanAllen at
Access to Care
Access to Care, a United Way program sponsored by the Cook County Suburban Primary Health Care Council, provides for low cost visits to an Access to Care doctor and low cost prescription drugs prescribed by that doctor. Eligibility is based on income. You can go to their website for further information
County Care
County Care program offered through the Cook County Health and Hospitals System is an Illinois Medicaid program for adults. Click here for more information (english version) Click here for more information (spanish version) Community Nurse Health Center is an Affordable Care Act Membership location. Please call 708-818-0150 to apply for this program or go to website for more information.
Salvation Army
Residents can contact the General Assistance Office for referrals to their local area Salvation Army for assistance.
Food Pantry Referrals
There are numerous agencies and volunteers who serve our community and General Assistance refers many individuals for their services. Food pantries located in the township work together with General Assistance to provide food from their pantries to local residents.
Referrals can be obtained from the General Assistance Office.
Useful Resources
CEDA 7666 W. 63rd St. Summit, IL. 60501 312-420-4247 | Illinois Department of Human Services West Suburban Office 2701 W. Lake St. Melrose Park, IL. 60160 708-338-7600 |
Access to Care 2225 Enterprise Drive Suite 2504 Westchester, IL. 60154 708-531-0680 | Social Security Administration North Riverside-708-447-0609 Palos Hills- 708-974-3421 |
Illinois Dept of Employment Securities (IDES) Burbank 708-458-0500 Maywood 708-338-6900 | Cook County Dept. of Public Health 708-492-2000 |
Coast2Coast Rx Prescription Drug Discount Card–
Allows all Township residents, regardless of income, age, or health status to participate in the program and save on the cost of their medications. Even pets and other people living outside the Township are able to take part in the program. The Rx card will be available for residents at participating pharmacies, governmental offices, libraries and the Township General Assistance office. You can also print the Rx card, check your prescription prices and view the nearest participating locations at
ComEd Administering Relief on Energy (CARE) program offers a range of financial assistance programs for eligible customers, including grants for qualifying residential customers, nonprofit organizations that have fallen behind on their electric bills, activated members of the U.S. Armed Forces, National Guard, Reserves and disabled veterans.
For additional information about the CARE programs, please call 888-806-CARE (2273) or visit
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