Please refer to this page when making a FOIA request. We are working to remove the old FOIA information from the Public Records tab, so please bear with us through these technical difficulties. 

It is imperative that FOIA requests are sent to FOIA requests sent to any other email will not be answered!!

What is FOIA?

The Freedom of Information Act allows the public to request access to certain records from federal agencies. The agencies are required to provide the requested information unless it falls under any of the nine exemptions which protect matters of personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.

How do I make a FOIA request?

Submitting a FOIA request is an easy process; start by checking if the information you want is publicly available. If not, simply send an email to and reasonably describe the records you seek. We’ll send a confirmation that your request was received within one business day; the records will be provided within 3-5 business days depending on the request.

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